Author Archives: josh

Rare Hot Spring Phacelia Found In Montana

In June 2010 BIO-WEST’s restoration technician Travis Taylor uncovered a population of hot spring phacelia (Phacelia thermalis), a rare plant, at Fort Peck Lake, Montana, in the Pines Recreation Area. Approximately 180 individuals of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) listed sensitive species were documented during the find, which was part a U. S. Army […]

Two New Bee Species Found in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

BIO-WEST and Utah State University scientists say they are elated by the recent discovery of two new bee species in the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada. BIO-WEST was contracted in 2006 to complete a variety of ecological investigations for habitat restoration at Ash Meadows. To assist with a pollinator study, BIO-WEST subcontracted with […]

BIO-WEST Assesses the Presence and Distribution of Atlantic Rangia in Sabine Lake

BIO-WEST conducted an investigation and assessment of the presence and distribution of Atlantic rangia (Rangia cuneata) clam colonies in Sabine Lake, Texas and Louisiana. The study, which focused on providing a better understanding of the distribution of Atlantic rangia relative to present freshwater inflow conditions in Sabine Lake, assisted the National Wildlife Federation Gulf States […]

BIO-WEST President Edmund Oborny Appointed to Texas Advisory Committee

In September 2009 Mr. Edmund Oborny, BIO-WEST senior fisheries biologist and president, was appointed to the Texas Environmental Flows Science Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee—which is appointed by the Texas Environmental Flows Advisory Group of the Texas State Legislature—is responsible for providing objective, scientific advice on issues relating to the science of environmental flow protection, […]

BIO-WEST Biologists Locate Rare Squirrel in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

BIO-WEST biologists conducting mammalian surveys at the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) have captured a round-tailed ground squirrel (Spermophilus tereticaudus), a species not found in the Refuge since 1891. The squirrel, which is common in other areas of Nevada, was captured using Sherman live traps during the 2008–2009 field season. BIO-WEST is gathering baseline […]

Host of NPR's "Living on Earth," Steve Curwood, Addresses BIO-WEST Employees

In December 2004 BIO-WEST employees pooled funds to market the company rather than presenting company principals with a tangible holiday gift. To support the local economy and encourage environmental awareness, BIO-WEST concluded that the right marketing “fit” would be underwriting the environmental news program “Living on Earth,” produced and hosted by Steve Curwood of northern […]

Rare Fish Shows Signs of Recovery

The June sucker (Chasmistes liorus), an endangered species that lives only in Utah Lake and its tributaries, is beginning to show signs of recovery as a result of enhancements made to Hobble Creek last year. BIO-WEST scientists participated in enhancement efforts by evaluating habitat conditions on Hobble Creek and providing a set of feasible enhancement […]

Threatened Orchid Found in Cache Valley

BIO-WEST botanist Kari Coy discovered an undocumented population of Ute ladies’-tresses (Spiranthes diluvials) while conducting a wetland delineation of private property in Mendon, Utah. Consisting of approximately 30 individuals, this constitutes the only known population in Cache Valley. Listed as threatened by the Endangered Species Act, the orchid occurs in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Utah, […]