Category Archives: News

Making History: Spawning Fish Discovery Shared in The Southwestern Naturalist

BIO-WEST and collaborating researchers recently published some “grand” news in the Southwestern Naturalist. Once thought extirpated from historical habitats in the Grand Canyon, razorback sucker presence and spawning were confirmed during long-term, ongoing research that originated in Lake Mead. Read the article here.

Cracking Down: Why Tree Removal is Essential to Logan River Restoration

If you’ve walked along the Logan River Golf Course Trail or visited the Rendezvous Dog Park recently, you’ve seen piles of downed trees and probably wondered how tree removal can be beneficial to river restoration. Roots hold soil and prevent erosion, right? That’s not always the case. The crack willows that grow inside the Logan […]

Rooting for the Underdog: Biologists Research Endangered Fishes in Lake Mead and the Grand Canyon

BIO-WEST’s study of the endangered razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) started more than 20 years ago, when scientists discovered that a species expected to die out in Lake Mead was actually spawning and recruiting. High Country News contributor and free-lance journalist Ben Goldfarb joined a research crew to find why the razorback sucker is surviving and what this […]

Ground Broken on Mountainous Effort

  The adaptive ski facility dream is becoming a reality:  construction of the AMK Foundation, BIO-WEST Adaptive Mountain Center for Common Ground Outdoor Activities is underway at Beaver Mountain. For more than 38 years, BIO-WEST has recognized Common Ground as a vital community resource and provided various forms of support, including contributing to the new […]

BIO-WEST Teams with Wildlife Agencies to Research Lake Powell Endangered Razorback Sucker

  To better understand how endangered razorback sucker are maintaining a wild population, also called “recruiting,” BIO-WEST biologists assisted the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources with razorback sucker research on Lake Powell. This cooperative effort is part of a project funded by the US Bureau of Reclamation to determine […]

Denbury Pipeline Archaeological Investigation

Denbury Pipeline Archaeological Investigation BIO-WEST provided Section 106 permitting assistance for the construction of a pipeline that will traverse Galveston Bay, Texas. Hydrographic survey data were collected along the Galveston Bay portion of the pipeline route and submitted to BIO-WEST for archaeological review. BIO-WEST processed and reviewed the data to determine the presence or absence of […]

Beauty and Smarts: A Parking Lot for Second Dam

BIO-WEST is working with Logan City and the US Forest Service to design and construct a parking lot for the Second Dam Recreation Area in Logan Canyon, Utah. Because the parking lot will be adjacent to the Logan Canyon National Scenic Byway, aesthetic considerations were an important element in BIO-WEST’s design. “We are using berms […]

Right on Track: 9 Line Corridor Master Plan Receives Award

A project vision, phasing, and implementation plan for a former Salt Lake City rail line received an achievement award from the American Planning Association-Utah Chapter in late October 2015. CRSA’s project team, which included BIO-WEST, developed a Master Plan for the 2.5-mile 9 Line Corridor that runs along 900 South Street between 200 West Street […]

A Cutthroat Endeavor

Bonneville cutthroat trout will be one beneficiary of designated environmental flows in the Blacksmith Fork and Little Bear Rivers, Cache County, Utah, as a result of a project by BIO-WEST, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, and in partnership with Trout Unlimited, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Cache County, and Utah State University. Both rivers […]